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Payment Accoutant

Responsible for carrying out tasks related to receipt and payment documents in the organization/business.

Senior Sales Engineer

Senior Sales Engineer - Acting as a direct bridge between the company's products/services and customers, driving revenue and profit growth while contributing directly to the company's overall development.

Warehouse Secretary Staff

Perform administrative and human resources tasks at Gò Dầu warehouse. Operate equipment in the NH3 chemical pipeline system at the warehouse. Carry out the NH3 loading and unloading process at Gò Dầu warehouse.

Warehouse Operations Staff

Operate equipment in the NH3 chemical pipeline system at the warehouse. Carry out the NH3 loading and unloading process at Gò Dầu warehouse. Participate in the maintenance and repair of equipment at the warehouse.

Maintenance Staff At KPTCHEM

Ensure the stable operation of equipment, machinery, and pipelines, contributing to the overall safety and reliability of the system. Maintain and enhance the technical department’s performance, fostering skill development and continuous improvement. Support the overall growth and efficiency of the warehouse.

Senior Logistics Advisor

Enhance logistics operational efficiency, particularly in transshipment processes, ensuring compliance with maritime regulations while supporting strategic goals for sustainable and innovative logistics.

General Accountant at KPT GROUP

General accounting helps managers understand the company's operation so that they can make the right decisions promptly for production activities

Junior Accountant at KPT GROUP

Record and process all financial transactions accurately. Ensure that every transaction is properly documented and fully recorded in the accounting software system. Reconcile data across internal departments, verifying both detailed and consolidated financial records. Maintain and store accounting documents for all transactions in compliance with the company's Finance and Accounting Department regulations.

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